zwei 2 quick walkthrough by me
this is quick walkthrough not have explain all story and dungeon.
kill monster
talk to everyone in town
go to セクンドゥム廃坑
セクンドゥム廃坑 (mine)
Lv 2 (left)
get A part (Aパーシ)
Lv 2
change all switch to right
Lv 3
fight boss
get earth magic
Lv 4 ゴーレム工房
use earth magic to break that wind pillar
in the end of way you get ギガントハンマー (special magic for earth)
ピンクチケート(ticket) for enter G-コロッセオ (colosseum) in セクンドゥム廃坑
talk to penguin to enter G-コロッセオ
ロアルタ村 (village)
talk to everyone in village
go to オルディウム神殿
オルディウム神殿 (water temple)
Lv 5
get B part (Bパーシ)
and go to アルッテ飛行場 (air port) talk to ミリアム and ガシュレー親方
ask him to modify your gear (get hook gear).
use hook gear for capture monster, pull or push a heavy thing (big mushroom, goddess statue, steel...).
Lv 5
use hook gear to pull or push a heavy thing.
Lv 6
fight boss
get ice magic
Lv 7
use ice magic to break that fire pillar
use magic or use gear to electric light try to change all traffic light to green
in the end of way you get ダイアモンドダスト (special magic for ice)
and go to 金闇の森
金闇の森 (forest)
Lv 7
use hook gear to big mushroom and bring it to sandpit
Lv 8
use hook gear to goddess statue and set up in correct circle
in end you will see thorn block you way attack it and you will see event
アウロン大鉄塔 (fire castle)
Lv 9
use magic shoot to all target
Lv 10 (right)
use ice magic to two fire wheel
get D part go to 金闇の森
金闇の森 (forest)
use burning gear to thorn that block you way
lv 11
fight boss
get wind magic
lv 12
use wind magic on fan
get c part
lv 13
use wind on pillar
get グランストリーム special magic for (wind)
アウロン大鉄塔 (fire castle)
lv 11 (left)
use wind to 2 wheel
destroy all balloon and shoot all target
lv 12
fight boss
get fire magic
use hook gear on villager and bring villager to アルウェン
アウロン大鉄塔 (fire castle)
lv 13
use fire on pillar
ムーンブリア城 (vampire castle)
lv 13 left
fight boss
press switch
lv 13 right
use hook gear to small mushroom bring it to big mushroom
fight boss
use gear attack only real boss
press switch
lv 13 go straight
fight boss
press switch
lv15 upstairs
open all treasure box
fight immortal boss (surrender to this boss)
talk to オデッサ
ブランデーヶ丘 (hill)
investigate airplane
アルッテ飛行場 (air port)
talk to ミリアム
ブランデーヶ丘 (hill)
investigate airplane
subaru will join you as partner
星ヶ峰の魔物 (mountain)
rotate Buddha Statue to open secret way
lv 17
jump on sandpit with plant until gate open
use bomb on stone press switch and shoot all flying target
星降りの里 (ninja village)
talk to everyone
talk to サラザ in hot-spring hotel
kill all monster
go to big gate in village underground
lv 18 (right)
get E part go to air port and upgrade your gear
get flying gear
lv 20
fight boss
1. attack it arm
2. when it mouth open attack it
3. use bomb on it leg or body
4. jump on it back and attack it
ピピロ (in アルツテの町)
フィオナ (in アルツテの町)
魔女ラーライラ (in her house in 金闇の森 )
goto クリスタルバレー
クリスタルバレー (crystal valley)
go straight on
ルナ=ムンドゥス (luna)
lv 24
jump on sandpit
lv 25
fight boss
get dark magic
now you can enter level infinity dungeon
talk to ミリアム
go to 螺旋要塞メルセデク
螺旋要塞メルセデク (flying fortress)
lv 29-30
fight final boss
visit everywhere you want
go to air port
end game